Learning should be fun, and at ACT IT OUT!, learning IS fun!
As well as learning English in a fun way, students acquire confidence and many useful life skills, such as critical thinking, creativity, writing, acting, filming and, most important, team work.
A new performing arts afterschool program for high school students that does not focus on improving test scores or GPAs. ACT IT OUT! focuses on improving life. Designed for Thai students, ages 13 – 18, who want an artistic outlet that will improve their English language skills, personal presentation, self-confidence and critical thinking. Students take this workshop for eight weeks on Saturdays or Sundays from 10AM until 2:30PM. The workshop culminates in a performance that includes acting, singing and movement, performed in English taught by Mr. Loni Berry.
We make use of a creative curriculum where students prepare for a theatre production to be presented to an invited audience at the end of the workshop. The script the students study is specifically designed to increase vocabulary and pronunciation through phrases that can be applied in a range of situations. Students are expected to complete homework assignments that help prepare them for the theatre activities. In addition, weekly assessment tests allow student progress to be monitored.
Three reasons to attend ACT IT OUT!
1. Learn life-long skills that students will use in everyday life. Students study in a safe and friendly environment, which inspires them to feel motivated and aware of their natural talents. Students don’t just memorize. They understand their lessons so that they can apply what they learn daily. Students improve at taking direction, collaboration, and critical thinking.
2. Learn English speaking and literacy skills. Students in vocabulary, pronunciation, and conversation. By working with a native speaker, a set curriculum and a translator, students begin to speak spontaneously and become more at ease with words they speak.
3. Learn skills in performing arts. Students use basic acting skills to help understand a script and how to create a character. Through the fundamentals of storytelling, acting, singing and dancing, students improve their voice, movement, posture, and overall self-presentation. Students are also introduced to the various career options in theatre, including writing, directing, costume design, set design, and lighting design.
For more information, contact Alisa Chalerychit, Director of Education at